Ahad, 16 Ogos 2009

the presentation begins #1

assalamualaikum and every good day to you misss adila. i hope that you are always in His bless.

today is the presentation day. this is where all of us are going to compete to show who is the best at using english.

the first one to present is zaharruddin. he will represent about a type of skin disease or related to drematology that is scabies. scabies is a very famous skin disease and this disease is cause by mites. scabies can spread through skin contact or share things like t-shirt. however, scabies is cureable and there lots of treatments and drugs that can be used to treat scabies. the last part is that cha-ar is crowned as scabies specialist.

the second person that present his topic is munir. he has sub-specialised the cancer field. he talks about a type of cancer that related to oncology that is male breast cancer which is rarely heard. however, it is lucky for men that the risk for them is low when compare to woman. like the other cancer, male breast cancer can be treated through surgery, chemo or dark theraphy.

the third, is sinusitis. this is the first time i hear about sinusitis. it is a type of disease that related to the facial sinuses. these sinuses play and important role that related to our sound and our air way during respiration. sinusitis is untreatable but can be controlled by drug. usually, those who get the first attack and get treatment, they is still at high of getting second attack.

the last presentation for to day is done by kamil. he talks about a very rare disease that i had never heard before. he talks about the disease that he is suffering that is hyperhydrosis. hyperhydrosis is a diesease where there is excessive sweating at the body usually at the palm, feet and armpits. hyperhydosis can only be treated through surgery at the nerves at the lumbar or at the thoracic cage. however, this treatment has side effects that can be annoying to the patient who get the treatment.

that is all for today and tomorrow is my presentation day and i hope that i can perform my best. thank you and wasalam,

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